Thursday, August 27, 2009


Tonight I have been reminded that deep down I am a massive nerd. Somehow I had managed to forget that fact until my theology class tonight made the admission inescapable. Theology was the one class above all others that I have been dreading since registration. I mean, I have no problem studying the Bible and learning more about what it says and how to study it etc, but a class dedicated to what other people have decided about the Bible and how they classify and qualify it and the history thereof ... that I wasn't so sure about.

This evening's lecture was an introduction to the course as well as an introduction to the plethora of terms that we will have to know. As the prof ran through the list of the various disciplines of theology and their definitions, my innate nerdiness was reawakened with a vengeance as a familiar pattern emerged and I realized that the different disciplines of theology corresponded to certain literary periods. There is Philosophical Theology leading into Natural Theology which sound an awful lot like the Transcendentalist movement and the Emerson/Thoreau progression. There is Reformation Theology (and really all Historical Theology) that much more literally corresponds with the time period and literary period. There is Modern Theology that also follows the progression of the literary modern period reflecting a certain disillusionment and liberalism of thought.

After I made this connection, I must admit, I was fascinated. I may not have as hard a time getting motivated to do this whole seminary thing as I've been assuming I will.

Yesterday I had Video Production for Ministry. We put together a short video in Final Cut on the very first day! That class is definitely going to be the highlight of my semester!

1 comment:

  1. haha! Awesome :) The teacher I had for my theology classes was greatly feared. His class was so hard! People called him "Stormin' Norman"... His theology classes were scary, but I definitely learned a lot!

    That Video Prod class sounds awesome!!!
